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Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 3 Sep 2012, 19:43
by Esponjudo
Hello. Nice idea of contest, but I've got a question: you don't want us to prove if it was really our work? I mean, I can't see in the rules something about that. You should put a rule that we need to have a paper written "guildstats contest" or something like that. Just my suggestion.
Finally, good luck for everyone. I'm going to the paper store right now hehe.

Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 3 Sep 2012, 19:44
by Tecktronz Felister
Esponjudo wrote:Hello. Nice idea of contest, but I've got a question: you don't want us to prove if it was really our work? I mean, I can't see in the rules something about that. You should put a rule that we need to have a paper written "guildstats contest" or something like that. Just my suggestion.
Finally, good luck for everyone. I'm going to the paper store right now hehe.
A form of identification like you proposed would be wise, but of course I'll run all the submissions through "Google Image Search" to see on which other sites they turn up, so cheaters will eventually be found. ;) But aside of that, I believe that it's a form of self-respect to submit something that you made yourself. :)

Anyways, really looking forward to see the guildhalls that you guys will make. ^^ Good luck to all, use your creativity! ;)

Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 3 Sep 2012, 21:19
by Mack Kard
Sounds Great! \ö/

•your task is to build a real model of dreamed guildhall, similar to tibia realies (so no skycrappers please!)

so I can't make a Guilhouse as... example "The Lair(house)"?

Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 3 Sep 2012, 21:30
by Tecktronz Felister
Mack Kard wrote:Sounds Great! \ö/

•your task is to build a real model of dreamed guildhall, similar to tibia realies (so no skycrappers please!)

so I can't make a Guilhouse as... example "The Lair(house)"?
You can, though it wouldn't be very original. ;)

This rule only means that it has to fit in with the Medieval time frame and look-and-feel of Tibia. There were no sky-scrapers during the Middle Ages, were there? :P

Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 4 Sep 2012, 13:09
by Galavel

the design of the house should be inside or outside

Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 4 Sep 2012, 13:12
by Sir Dzidek
As you wish, you can make photo from "Tibia view" - i mean whole building without the roof. You may also make few photos from inside and outside. It's just your decision :)

Guildhall contest!

Posted: 4 Sep 2012, 17:46
by Fester Adams
I like contests fansites and I will definitely participate. :geek:
I already have a good idea and I will put it into practice to post my work here. :?:
Good luck to all participants. :D

Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 5 Sep 2012, 05:47
by Londe
If you have any doubt, feel free to post here.

Remember to check the replies list on the first post to avoid asking the same questions.

Have fun guys.

Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 5 Sep 2012, 19:34
by Tecktronz Felister
Ice Crambler wrote:Hmm it could be also like a normal house? from the size?
If by size you mean the amount of square meters, then that is for you to choose.

Even though no guildhall will be implemented by Cipsoft, it is wise to keep in mind that your creation should be in such a form that it could be implemented without any changes. That means: no extraordinary sizes or features that are impossible in Tibia.


Re: Guildhall contest!

Posted: 7 Sep 2012, 12:05
by MarkeLuminera
I'm on this big project right now :D but is it okay if we cannot see in the house?

This is my 3D model:

Here is what I made with SketchUp Pro so far, I learnt abit of it at school but in reality i'm really not that good with this program. it took me a couple hours !
I'm concidering to build it with carton, by the end of the month it should be ready or perhaps in 2 weeks or abit less!

If i had to describe what it is exactly, I would say that it's kind of an island where there's a couple trees as well as sort of a barn attached to the guild main house (wihch form the guildhall itself)!
I'm gonna add a small swimming pool on the second floor's balcone teehheee!

Hope you like it so far!, just hoping that it's going to look better with carton and that I'm respecting the rules :mrgreen:
Please tell me if i am respecting the rules or not , because if not i'm not going to build this with carton i'm going to try to build something else!

So below this text is pretty much what I have so far! Good luck everyone and thank you for organizing such great contest!
NOTE: I will take more than one picture for the real model obviously :mrgreen: